TC&W has focused on leadership growth throughout the organization for the past few years.
From June 12, 2022 – June 16, 2022 Paola Morales, Tina Ryberg, and I (Sue Bombeck) attended a conference in New Orleans, LA for company leaders and human resources professionals. This particular conference is a great tool that focuses specifically on leadership and strategic thinking with a heavy concentration on the human resources profession.
The theme of this years conference was “Cause the Effect”, how we as people can cause an effect with the simplest of actions (acceptance of diversity, understanding of perspectives, and empathy for each other).
With over 18,000 people attending in person and another 15,000 attending virtually by sheer volume, you can see and feel the importance of focusing on the PEOPLE to Cause the Effect for a better work environment, community, society, and our homes!!! With our minds full of new ideas and excited energy, we are looking forward to putting some action items into place and watching the effects unfold until we jet off to Las Vegas in 2023!