What is “burnout”?
It is a combination of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decreased sense of accomplishment.
To treat burnout, you need to first understand the link of energy and emotions as they relate to your response to the stress. Click to see a chart on emotional energy.
Click below on the links for some suggestions to help you:
- Get Moving
- Laugh
- Surround yourself with POSITIVE social interaction
- Breathe
To avoid burnout moving forward, you need to preserve your positive energy
Energy maintenance requires ATTENTION management. Attention management is all about learning to control what is within your control and letting go of what is not. Finding ways that best fit your work style to assist you in working SMARTER, not harder.
To build your burnout immunity, it’s imperative that you create boundaries
- Ask yourself, “Am I responding to expectations or my interpretation of expectations?
- Get comfortable with your boundaries (ex. Build your “NO” muscle by practicing. Maybe say, “That might work. Let me check and get back to to you.”
- Propose a compromise if “no” isn’t an option. (ex. I can finish X or I can do Y, but I can’t do both this week. What is your priority?”)