On April 5 and April 6, 2023 TC&W was welcomed into the BLHS High School to share information regarding railroad careers. On the 5th, Human Resources entered the classroom to present to the Freshman Careers class, opening minds to earnings, benefits, world markets for locally grown grain, communication, interviewing, resumes, etc. Then, on April 6th, TC&W brought members of our team from a variety of crafts to speak with the same group of students as well as upper classes specifically about their own crafts, possibilities of advancement / movement with company’s as well as some hands on exposure to tools and processes within their careers.
It was a great experience for both the students and the staff of TC&W.
Thank you to Mrs. Dornseif for partnering with TC&W to expose the students to careers that do not require a college education! We look forward to returning in May for the “MOCK” interviews!